Message 6 – God Wants to Make You a Seer!
February 4, 2018
God Wants to Make You a Seer! (What will you do with your sight?)
When we talk about 2 Kings 6, we often focus on Elisha’s servant. And why not? He has a great story to tell from this experience. But, as I think through this story and try to understand what it is that is significant for us, I don’t think that run of the mill, “in your time of need God will open your eyes so that you can know He is present,” kind of message cuts it.
In this passage there are those who gain and lose sight. Their understanding and interaction with the realities around them come and go. The servant was blind to the spiritual realm. He did not understand what was happening around him. He knew the name of the Lord, he had heard of His mighty works and as a servant to the prophet he saw with his natural eyes some amazing things. However, he still lacked the ability to truly see.
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