Possess the Land 06 – The Land of the Emotions- Bruised and Bitter – Part 2
September 22, 2019
*Please Note that the audio quality for this video sermon has been affected by technical issues beyond our control. We apologize in advanced! You can read the sermon outline by clicking on the “Sermon PDF” button above.
It is Satan’s prime intention to bruise, in their emotions, every man, woman and child. We are all familiar with what a physical bruise is. It is an injury to the tissue under the surface of the skin, usually without a surface laceration. This is what Satan wants to do to your emotions. He wants to cause injury to you beneath the surface, in your emotions. There may be no visible surface wound but there is a very real wound in your emotions, to your soul; the very seat of your personality.
Many Christians are like the apple that is dropped and bruised. When first dropped there is usually no sign of damage for several days. But then there appears a dark spot that turns into a rotten spot and then spoils. If left unhindered it will not only ruin the apple itself but the whole barrel of apples. This is the way that bitterness works after the bruising of emotional hurt.
Anthony Saturnino says
*Please Note that the audio quality for this video sermon has been affected by technical issues beyond our control. We apologize in advanced! You can read the sermon outline by clicking on the “Sermon PDF” button above.