Worldliness 02 – In the World But Not of the World
September 12, 2019
*Please Note that the audio quality for this video sermon has been affected by technical issues beyond our control. We apologize in advanced! You can read the sermon outline by clicking on the “Sermon PDF” button above.
We could say that worldliness is anything which cools our affection for Jesus. This world will definitely do that, if we give it the opportunity. So, there is a struggle that goes on. We cannot deny that we live in this world. The challenge for us is to be able to live in this world and yet remain distinct from it.
We have all hear it said a million times, “We are to be in the world but not of it.” Most of us have found that that might be a little more difficult to live out than it is to say! So, how do we do it? We look to Jesus, our Ultimate Example in all things!
*Please Note that the audio quality for this video sermon has been affected by technical issues beyond our control. We apologize in advanced! You can read the sermon outline by clicking on the “Sermon PDF” button above.