You Can Be a Vase Instead of a Trash Can
July 1, 2018
You would think it silly, if you entered my home and found a trash can greeting you at the front door with a dozen roses in it. My trash can cannot just decide that it wants to be a vase full of roses, any more than I can effectively make it one. We all understand why this is true in principle.
But this principle is not true in the Kingdom of God. We, as God’s children, are vessels in His house. Yet, unlike my vase and trash can that have no ability to change their function, God has given us complete freedom to decide. “If anyone cleanses himself, he will be a vessel of honor, sanctified and useful for the Master…” In other words, if anyone matures his character from his or her base beginnings, that one will be a vessel of honor in the King’s home.
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